
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Day After

Yesterday we shared our vows. There's something about making pledges in front of other people that makes it a really big deal. These were my vows. I choose you. I chose you when I barely knew you because something in your soul spoke to mine. We were both brave and followed that tugging we both felt but could not explain. We followed our hearts to the woods of North Carolina, to your river and woods. We followed our hearts to the temples of Chiang Mai and the Andaman Sea where we first pledged ourselves to one another as wives. We did all of this having known each other less than three months. Now that I know you better and have dove deeper into your waters, I choose you again. I see you as a whole person. A beautiful, flawed, lovely, person who contains multitudes. I choose you when times are good and I choose you when times are tough. My commitment to you and to us as a couple has not wavered even when we have faced challenges. I choose to first see your be...

The day before

Tomorrow I will declare my love, my intentions, and pledge myself in marriage. This is the third time I have married ; the first two times were to the father of my son. I have learned much in the intervening years. I have learned to never make a promise I cannot keep. Tomorrow I will state my intent  and hope to love my wife and to be together forever but I will also promise to release them from our marriage should they ever believe that is is not right. I will promise to tell them right away if I ever come to the conclusion that this relationship no longer works for me, instead of stringing them along. Does this mean I won't fight to make it work when times are tough? Absolutely not. We have already encountered tough times and my commitment remains steady. I will also promise to support them on their own journey as an individual. I will promise to give and take space as needed. People have told me that making promises like these is not romantic. Many think that when you ...